PS Clan Forum

Pwning Society General => Suggestions => Topic started by: [PS]Rhythm on September 02, 2016, 05:52:20 pm

Title: [READ BEFORE POSTING] Suggestions Format
Post by: [PS]Rhythm on September 02, 2016, 05:52:20 pm
How do I post a suggestion?

Hello, PS forum member!
If you have any kind of suggestion, idea, offer, etc for the PS clan, please keep in mind of the following rules and use the format given  below.

If you have read and agreed to the rules, you can post a suggestion in the following format.

Suggestion Title:
Describe the suggestion:
Why do you think that this suggestion will be useful for the PS?:
Additional information:

[b]Suggestion Title:[/b]
[b]Describe the suggestion:[/b]
[b]Why do you think that this suggestion will be useful for the PS?:[/b]
[b]Additional information:[/b]


Suggestion Title: Solved Child Board
Describe the suggestion: My suggestion is adding a "Solved" child board to the Complaints and Reports board.
Why do you think that this suggestion will be useful for the PS?: I think that this suggestion will be useful for the PS, since then all the solved complaints and reports will be moved to that child board, and the forum will look better and clean.
Pictures/Videos: None.
Additional information: This board should be "Reply only" or "Read only", so no one will be able to make a thread there.

PS Crew.